jaga flash news

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


          Mahalayam means the highest seat or residence of the highest, the supreme and the highest, the seat of the pinnacle of (kalyan) happiness.
          The celestial residents who are the noble souls of the departed fore-fathers (pithrus) descend on the earth, the mortal world, stay here for 16 days, bless and do good to their descendents.
          When the sun god enters the kanya rasi on the fifth paksha, like ashda etc .The sun god orders the pithrus that is the departed noble souls of the fore-fathers of the departed souls approach their living descendents, feeding these divine guests with cooked rice, meals after performing sradha by the living descendents is the best method of pleasing the departed souls.
          Those who are unable to perform such sradha during the period of 16 days of mahalaya paksha may perform the sradha during the next, immediately following paksha
These pithrus expect such the anna sradha till deepavali ammavasaya.
          If for some reasons one is unable to perform such sradha in the traditional manner with human, may offer silver coins as dakshina to noble Brahmins , after offering them sweets and other hospitality and also by performing tharpanam, this is called hiranya sradham .
          Those who are unable to perform such a ritual daily during the mahalaya paksha may perform such sradha on the particulars days. When one’s parents thithi. That is the thithi when they passed away on mahebhami, vyadeepadam, msdyashtami, auspicious days.
          Unlike on sradhas it is customary to feed the Brahmins in the usual, normal, manner, even such a custom is not observed in many places, pakshina alone is offered . It is mahalaya anna sradha after cutting out other lavish and unnecessary expenditure. Tharapana should be performed on all 16 days and perform hiranya sradha at least on during the fort-night and reap the blessing and benefits from one’s fore-father and grand parents.

1.     Immense wealth accures on performing sradha during prathamai
2.     Good pregnancy if performed on duthiyai
3.     Sradham on thritheeyai results in getting good son-in-law that is good life partner for one’s daughter
4.     Victory over one’s enemies, if performed on panchami
5.     Property and wealth, if performed on panchami
6.     Performance on sradha  makes the kartha that is the performer pruse worthy and famous
7.     Performance on sapthami makes the kartha the leader of the A group of devas after he attains swarga or salvation
8.     Highest intellectual pinnacle is attained by performing sradha on ashtami
9.     Navami sradha helps attain good life partner and in the transformation of bad natured life
10.                        Dasami sradha helps on active all one’s desires
11.                        Ekaadasi sradha helps one gain all the knowledge contained in the Vedas
12.                        Dwadasi sradha helps one acquire gold
13.                        Thrayodasi sradha yields all types of wealth, like cattle, property, plenty longevity and good health
14.                        Chathurdasi sradha wards off dangers from all types of accidents such as fire, flood and vehicles
15.                         Amavassai sradha begets all the blessings and happiness
              Tharapanam on the next prathama day dispels all the sins performed in the previous births.
                              Aapasthamba soothra tharpana vilakkam

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