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Thursday 13 June 2013

Role of Mars in Sex,Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological AnalysisSexual Immorality & Perversion,

Role of Mars in Sex

Position of Mars in House & Role of Mars in Sex life

Mars in First House bestows native possessiveness and strong sexual urges.  Such person enjoys sex life greatly.  He / she fully demonstrates his/ her love and affection to his partner.  He requires invariably love and affection from partner.

Mars in Second House bestows native burning desire, aggressiveness in sex matters. Such native has deep feelings for partner but does not exhibit the same.

Mars in Third House bestows native good and healthy sex with the partner.  In sexual act he/ she takes initiative.

Mars in Fourth House bestows native extensive sexual relationship with the partner and makes him/ her too sexy, fond of sex, full of Libido.  Such native is experienced in love making and feels deep attachment with the partner.

Mars in Fifth House makes native timid in sex act. Such native shows recklessness towards partner in quest of intellectual partnership.

Mars in Sixth House bestows native a kind  of feeling  that  sex is a normal routine. Such native is not found crazy for sex and thus he/ she does not care too much of partner.

Mars in Seventh House makes native demanding in sex, fond of sex and romantic also.  Due to excessive libido he / she may indulges in indiscreet sex life.

Mars in Eight House makes native too much sex-indulgent, indiscriminate in sex and greatly attached to principles and morals of married life.

Mars in Ninth House makes very moderate and considerate to partner in sex habits. The native may not regard sex as a driving force in life.  So, such native likes moderate sex and gives it secondary importance.

Mars in Tenth House makes native methodical and touchy in sex matters. The native may be fond of pornography and very conscious of successful sex act and may put vigour and vitality in sexual performance.

Mars in Eleventh House gives native craving for sex.  However, such native does not show his / her desire openly and likes to have a saintly outlook, though in thoughts they are sex- crazy.

Mars in Twelth House makes native quick and restless in sex behaviour. Such  native may be careless about partner’s feeling and may adopt unnatural methods of sex.

Position of Mars in Sign & Role of Mars in Sex life 

Mars in Aries –Vigorous, Great sexual urge, never satisfied in sex, youthful appearance.
Mars in Taurus – Adept in sexual act, knows pleasing the partner.
Mars in Gemini - Deficient in sex life, uncertain love life.
Mars in Cancer – Full of libido and easy to please in sex, great temper but cools down with sex or love act.
Mars in Leo – Crude in sex and cunning in love, great vigour and cruel at heart.
Mars in Virgo – Weak sex act, exhaustion afterwards and always afraid of losing health
Mars in Libra – Diplomatic in love and adept in sex act, highly passionate.
Mars in Scorpio – Secret longing, love is more on mental plane than physical, such native does not relish frequent sex acts.
Mars in Sagittarius – Adhere to moral principles, uses endearing words, pleases partner.
Mars in Capricorn – Care-free in sex matters, never loses heart to anyone, hard to please in sex matters.
Mars in Aquarius – Fair in love but a secret sinner, can rise to expectations of the partner.
Mars in Pisces – Dual love life, Professing morality but having clandestine affairs.

Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis

Impotency & Frigidity - Astrological Analysis

Moon: mental strength, movement of vital forces in the body like body's fluids, blood and lymph. Female reproductive functions pregnancy, nursing, menopause, primary indicator of fertility
Mars: acute illness, elevated body metabolism, venereal diseases
Sun: denotes constitutional vigour and metabolism
Venus: reproductive organs, sexual activities
Saturn: chronicle diseases, weakening metabolic powers, retention and deposits of toxins, sluggish function of body parts, hypo functioning of endocrine glands, coldness, and obstruction
Sign Libra: indicates sexual pleasures, generative organs 7th house: sensuous enjoyment, sex desires, private organs, health of the partner
Ascendant: general mental and physical abilities
Combinations for Impotence

· Mars in Libra indicates problems to sexual organs, displeasure in the bed.
· Mars and Sun / Mars and Rahu in Libra indicate disturbed pleasure and disease in generative organs.
· 4 planets in Libra indicates sexual incompetency
· Weak and afflicted Venus in 7th house indicates either wife will be barren or husband may be impotent
· Mars with a malefic posited in 7th house indicates impotency caused by urinary system
· Saturn and Venus in 8th/10th with no benefice aspect induces impotency
· Saturn in depression in 6th or 12th house
· Saturn is 6th/12th from Venus
· Saturn is posited 12th from the Venus
· Moon in Libra aspected by Mars, Rahu, and Saturn, the native will be impotent
· Ascendant in its own house and aspecting Venus being posited in 7th house indicates impotency
· Moon and Saturn posited in 4th or 10th from Mars indicates impotency
· Lord of 6th house is associated with Mercury and Rahu and ascendant's lord is related to them in any way
· 6th lord, Mars and Saturn posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant, only the male partner will be impotent
· The lord of 7th joins the 6th house with Venus indicates native's wife will be frigid
· 6th lord posited in Gemini/Virgo ascendant and aspected / associated by Mercury indicates both partner will be impotent
-Saturn and Venus occupy the 8th or the 10th housefrom the Ascendant devoid of benefic aspects;
-Saturn in the 6th or 12th house in a watery sign not in aspect by benefics;
-Saturn occupying his debilitation sign in the 6th or 12 th house  (This is possible only if Lagna is Scorpio or Taurus);
-Saturn occupies the sixth or the eighth house from Venus;


Fridgidity takes place when:
-Saturn is lord of Lagna aspected by Mars or Kethu.
-Lagna is combined with Rahu and Saturn.
-8L is hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn and is devoid of beneficial aspect of Jupiter.
-Rahu and Saturn combine with the Moon.
-Ketu and Saturn or Mars and Saturn afflict the Moon.
-Mercury is 8L  and the 8th house is tenanted by Saturn-Rahu or Saturn-Kethu.


Sexual Immorality & Perversion

Sexual Immorality & Perversion

Sexual perversion is outcome of affliction on various planets governing various factors.   A person  (ascendant) will be perverted if his emotional aspect (Moon 5H/L) is under affliction to create excessive lust for lascivious pleasures (Venus, 7H/L, 8H/L, 12H/L) secretly (12 H/L). He / she will have extra courage (Mars, 3L, 3H) also to break the socially accepted norms (Rahu, affliction on 5H/L and involvement of 8H/L) for sexual act (7H/L) in multiplicity (11H/L).  Besides, there would be noticeable degradation in character of such person (affliction on Sun and influence on Saturn on above factors).  These factors form various combinations that may show sexual immorality of native.  A few combinations are as follows:

Mars link with 7H/L and Venus.
Mars in Venus sign but in Saturn or Mars Navamsha and Venus in Mars sign but in Saturn or Venus Navamsha.
Venus in Aries, Taurus or Aquarius aspected by Mars.
Conjunction of Mars and afflicted Venus.
Venus in Vargas of Mars and Saturn.
Venus in 7th house aspected by Mars or Saturn Rahu etc.
Venus in Virgo or Cancer aspected by Saturn.
7L with R/K aspected by malefic.
Rahu in 7H and Mars in 4H.
Venus in Gemini or Virgo aspected by Mars. Mercury and Venus seek secret pleasure. 
Strong Sambandha between lords of 7 and 11H.
Exchange between 7L and 12L.
Mars Mercury Venus in 7H makes one extremely passionate.  Venus in Aries makes one mentally passionate, in Scorpio physically passionate.
Saturn aspected by or associated with Venus in Mars sign.
Saturn Mars Moon  in 7th House.
Mars in 4H, Rahu in 7H and Sun & Saturn together in any sign.
Rahu or Sun in 7H and Mars in 4H or 7H.
LL, 2L or 6L in 7H with malefic.
Jupiter, Mercury or Venus Moon or Sun Rahu or Saturn Rahu or Saturn Ketu in 7H.
All Kendras are afflicted or Malefics in trines.
Saturn, Sun, Mars in 4H.

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